Classification studies of Chinese medicines for promoting blood flow and eliminating blood stasis using support vector machines

XU MingLing;CHEN Guang;YU ChangYuan*

Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology ›› 2009, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6) : 82-85.

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Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology ›› 2009, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6) : 82-85.

Classification studies of Chinese medicines for promoting blood flow and eliminating blood stasis using support vector machines

  • XU MingLing;CHEN Guang;YU ChangYuan*
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Eleven molecular descriptors have been used to describe the structural characteristics of Chinese herbal drugs for promoting blood flow and eliminating blood stasis. The classification model was constructed using a support vector machine. Although the support vector machine has been applied in many other fields, it has seldom been used in the study of Chinese herbal drugs. The Chinese herbal medicines were divided into a training set and test set. The results indicated that the classification model gave accurate predictions of the activity or nonactivity of the compounds involved. The accuracy of predictions was 100% for the training set whilst in the test set it was 92.9%.The results suggest that the support vector machine classifier is a useful tool in Chinese medicine research.

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XU MingLing;CHEN Guang;YU ChangYuan*. Classification studies of Chinese medicines for promoting blood flow and eliminating blood stasis using support vector machines[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, 2009, 36(6): 82-85


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