Study of microorganism protein and mechanism in solid state fermentation with periodically dynamic changes of air

FU Xiaoguo1,2;CHEN Hongzhang2;MA Runyu 1

Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology ›› 2006, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3) : 42-46.

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Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology ›› 2006, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3) : 42-46.

Study of microorganism protein and mechanism in solid state fermentation with periodically dynamic changes of air

  • FU Xiaoguo1,2;CHEN Hongzhang2;MA Runyu 1
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The extracting and purifying conditions for microorganism protein in Solid State Fermentation and the effect of periodically dynamic changes of air on protein were studiedThe mechanism on solid-state fermentation with periodically dynamic changes of air was simply discussed. Results show that three milliliters Tris-HCl buffer added to the solid-state fermentation microorganism about one gram to extract intracellular protein, from which got the most intracellular protein about 3.828mg. That the impure protein is deposited with three times acetone in -20for 2h produce the highest purification, native protein and Clear sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE) pattern. The recovery rate of FPA activity is 83.6% ,while the recovery rate of CMCase activity is 67%.Contrast to the period of static solid state fermentation, The periodically dynamic changes of air get a higher protein mass number from fermentation microorganism about one gram , which of intracellular protein increasing 34.63% reach 5.3mg and of extracellular protein increasing 17.75% reach 9.09mg in sixth day of the fermentation, enhance on enzyme activity of extracellular protein which of FPA enzyme activity and CMCase enzyme activity respectively are 1.739μmol/s and 109.592μmol/s ,increasing 60.08% and 21.17%but reduce litter on enzyme activity of intracellular protein which of FPA enzyme activity and CMCase enzyme activity respectively are 0.245μmol/s、6.392μmol/s, reducing 22.22% and 38.65%. The enzyme activity of microorganism extracellular

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FU Xiaoguo1,2;CHEN Hongzhang2;MA Runyu 1. Study of microorganism protein and mechanism in solid state fermentation with periodically dynamic changes of air[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, 2006, 33(3): 42-46


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