In a direct-reactive precipitation process for preparation of nano-sized zinc titanante powders, a mixture of ZnCl2 and TiCl4 solutions was used as a reactant and a solution of NaOH as a precipitant. Different concentrations of the precipitan (3, 6, 9mol/L) and different molar ratios of Zn2+ to Ti4+ (1:1.2~2:1) were used to prepare the cubic nano-sized zinc titanante powders. The results demonstrated that when the concentration of the precipitant is 3mol/L and the molar ratio is 1:1, the cubic nano-sized ZnTiO3 with a mean grain size of about 40nm, can be obtained under 600℃ by calcinations; when the concentration of the precipitant is 3mol/L and the molar ratio is 2:1, the Zn2TiO4 powder with a mean grain size of about 90nm, can be obtained under 800℃ by calcinations. And the powders have sphere shape with a narrow PSD.
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