Property of UV-curing adhesive for plastic – glass
Sun Fang1;HuangYue-dong2
Author information+
1.Science College, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China; 2. Jilin Vocational College of Industry and Technology, Jilin 132013, China
The effect of active monomers, oligomers and couple agent on shear strength and volume shrinkage of UV-curing adhesive was investigated. It is shown that polar monomer A, couple agent B can improve shear strength of UV-curing adhesive. Shear strength of UV-curing adhesive containing aromatic polyurethane acrylate oligomer was higher than aliphatic polyurethane acrylate oligomer. The more functionality of active monomer is high, the more volume shrinkage of UV-curing adhesive is large. Shear strength of prepared UV-curing adhesive is 5.98MPa, volume shrinkage is 3.67%, transparency at visible light range was 97%, glass-transition temperature was 88.02℃.
Sun Fang1;HuangYue-dong2.
Property of UV-curing adhesive for plastic – glass[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, 2006, 33(5): 82-85
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