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  北京化工大学学报(自然科学版)  2021, Vol. 48 Issue (1): 115-118   DOI: 10.13543/j.bhxbzr.2021.01.016



王普, 姜珊珊, 肖聪. 高阶紧致差分方法在五次非线性Schrödinger方程中的应用[J]. 北京化工大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 48(1): 115-118. DOI: 10.13543/j.bhxbzr.2021.01.016.
WANG Pu, JIANG ShanShan, XIAO Cong. A high-order compact splitting method for the nonlinear schrödinger equation with a quintic term[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (Natural Science), 2021, 48(1): 115-118. DOI: 10.13543/j.bhxbzr.2021.01.016.


王普, 男, 1993年生, 硕士生.


姜珊珊, jiangss@mail.buct.edu.cn


王普 , 姜珊珊 , 肖聪     
北京化工大学 数理学院, 北京 100029
关键词非线性Schrödinger方程    紧致差分格式    Strang-type分裂    电荷守恒定律    
A high-order compact splitting method for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a quintic term
WANG Pu , JIANG ShanShan , XIAO Cong     
College of Mathematics and Physics, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China
Abstract: An order of O(τ2+h4) different scheme is applied to the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a quintic term. We first use a Strang-type splitting method to divide the equation into two parts. Only one part needs to be discretized by a high-order compact difference method, because the other part can be solved exactly. The scheme is shown to satisfy the charge conservation law. Some numerical results are given to illustrate the convergence of the scheme.
Key words: nonlinear Schrödinger equation    compact difference method    Strang-type splitting    charge conservation law    


$ \begin{array}{l} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\rm{i}}{u_t} + {u_{xx}} - \left( {|u{|^2} + |u{|^4}} \right)u = f(x,t)u,\\ (x,t) \in (a,b) \times (0,1) \end{array} $ (1)


$ u(x,0) = {u_0}(x),x \in [a,b] $ (2)
$ u(0,t) = u(1,t) = 1,t \in [0,T] $ (3)

式中u为未知函数,f(x, t)为给定的实函数,u0(x)为给定的复函数。容易证明此方程满足电荷守恒,即满足

$ Q(t) = \int_a^b | u(x,t){|^2}{\rm{d}}x = Q(0) $ (4)


1 数值算法 1.1 符号

记文中所用符号的含义为xj=a+jh, j=0, 1, …, J-1;tn=, n=0, 1, …, N-1; Ωh={xj|0≤jJ-1},Ωτ={tn|0≤nN-1},Ωhτ=Ωh×Ωτ。其中hτ分别为空间和时间步长,JN为正整数。并记方程在时间节点tn、空间节点xj的差分解为ujn。对Ωhτ上的网格函数Vjn记为lg(h)

$ {{{\left( {V_j^n} \right)}_x} = \frac{{V_{j + 1}^n - V_j^n}}{h}\quad {{\left( {V_j^n} \right)}_t} = \frac{{V_{j + 1}^n - V_j^n}}{\tau }} $
$ {{{\left( {V_j^n} \right)}_{\bar x}} = \frac{{V_j^n - V_{j - 1}^n}}{h}\quad V_j^{n + \frac{1}{2}} = \frac{{V_j^n + V_j^{n + 1}}}{2}} $
$ {\delta _x^2V_j^n = V_{j + 1}^n - 2V_j^n + V_{j - 1}^n} $
$ \begin{array}{l} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {A_h}V_j^n = \left( {1 + \frac{{{h^2}}}{{12}}\delta _x^2} \right)V_j^n = V_j^n + \frac{{{h^2}}}{{12}}\delta _x^2V_j^n = \left( {V_{j + 1}^n + } \right.\\ \left. {10V_j^n + V_{j - 1}^n} \right)/12 \end{array} $
1.2 Strang-type分裂



$ {\rm{i}}\frac{\partial }{{\partial t}}u(x,t) = (A + B)u(x,t) $ (5)

式中,算子$A =- \frac{{{\partial ^2}}}{{\partial {x^2}}} + f(x, t)$,覆盖线性项和非线性项的一部分,算子B=|u|2+|u|4,仅覆盖非线性项的一部分。在[t, t+τ]有如下时间二阶Strang分裂格式

$ {{u^*}(x,t + \tau ) = \exp \left( { - {\rm{i}}B\frac{\tau }{2}} \right)u(x,t)} $ (6)
$ {{u^{**}}(x,t + \tau ) = \exp \left( { - {\rm{i}}A\frac{\tau }{2}} \right){u^*}(x,t + \tau )} $ (7)
$ {u(x,t + \tau ) = \exp \left( { - {\rm{i}}A\frac{\tau }{2}} \right){u^{**}}(x,t + \tau )} $ (8)

式中u*(x, t+τ)、u**(x, t+τ)为中间值,该分裂格式误差为O(τ2)。


$ u(x,t) = {{\rm{e}}^{ - {\rm{i}}\left( {|u(x,0){|^2} + |u(x,0){|^4}} \right)t}}u(x,0) $ (9)


1.3 空间四阶格式


$ \begin{array}{l} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\rm{i}}\frac{{u_j^{n + 1} - u_j^n}}{\tau } + \frac{1}{{2{h^2}}}\delta _x^2\left( {u_j^n + u_j^{n + 1}} \right) = \frac{1}{2}\left( {f_j^{n + \frac{1}{2}}\left( {u_j^n + } \right.} \right.\\ \left. {\left. {u_j^{n + 1}} \right)} \right) \end{array} $ (10)

将格式(10)中二阶算子δx2用四阶差分算子$\frac{{\delta _x^2}}{{{h^2}\left({1 + \frac{1}{{12}}\delta _x^2} \right)}}$代替并整理可得

$ \begin{array}{l} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\rm{i}}{A_h}{\left( {u_j^n} \right)_t} + \frac{{{{\left( {u_j^{n + 1}} \right)}_{x\bar x}} + {{\left( {u_j^n} \right)}_{x\bar x}}}}{2} = \frac{1}{2}{A_h}\left( {f_j^{n + \frac{1}{2}}\left( {u_j^n + } \right.} \right.\\ \left. {\left. {u_j^{n + 1}} \right)} \right) \end{array} $ (11)


$ \begin{array}{l} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\rm{i}}\mathit{\boldsymbol{A}}\frac{{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{n + 1}} - {\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^n}}}{\tau } + \mathit{\boldsymbol{B}}\frac{{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{n + 1}} + {\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^n}}}{{2{h^2}}} = \frac{1}{2}\mathit{\boldsymbol{A}}\left( {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{F}}^{n + \frac{1}{2}}}\left( {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{n + 1}} + } \right.} \right.\\ \left. {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^n}} \right) \end{array} $ (12)

式中Un表示第n层数值解即(u1n, u2n, …, uJ-1n)T$\boldsymbol{F}^{n+\frac{1}{2}}$表示矩阵$\operatorname{diag}\left(f_{1}^{n+\frac{1}{2}}, f_{2}^{n+\frac{1}{2}}, \cdots, f_{J-1}^{n+\frac{1}{2}}\right)$


$ {\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {10}&1&0& \cdots &0&0\\ 1&{10}&1& \cdots &0&0\\ 0&1&{10}& \cdots &0&0\\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots \\ 0&0&0& \cdots &{10}&1\\ 0&0&0& \cdots &1&{10} \end{array}} \right)_{(J - 1) \times (J - 1)}} $


$ {\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} { - 2}&1&0& \cdots &0&0\\ 1&{ - 2}&1& \cdots &0&0\\ 0&1&{ - 2}& \cdots &0&0\\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots \\ 0&0&0& \cdots &{ - 2}&1\\ 0&0&0& \cdots &1&{ - 2} \end{array}} \right)_{(J - 1) \times (J - 1)}} $


$ \left( {\frac{{{\rm{i}}\mathit{\boldsymbol{A}}}}{\tau } + \frac{\mathit{\boldsymbol{B}}}{{2{h^2}}} - \frac{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{A}}{\mathit{\boldsymbol{F}}^{\frac{1}{2}}}}}{2}} \right){\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{n + 1}} = \left( {\frac{{{\rm{i}}\mathit{\boldsymbol{A}}}}{\tau } - \frac{\mathit{\boldsymbol{B}}}{{2{h^2}}} + \frac{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{A}}{\mathit{\boldsymbol{F}}^{\frac{1}{2}}}}}{2}} \right){\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^n} $ (13)

$ \mathit{\boldsymbol{C}} = {\left( {\frac{{{\rm{i}}\mathit{\boldsymbol{A}}}}{\tau } + \frac{\mathit{\boldsymbol{B}}}{{2{h^2}}} - \frac{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{A}}{\mathit{\boldsymbol{F}}^{\frac{1}{2}}}}}{2}} \right)^{ - 1}}\left( {\frac{{{\rm{i}}\mathit{\boldsymbol{A}}}}{\tau } - \frac{\mathit{\boldsymbol{B}}}{{2{h^2}}} + \frac{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{A}}{\mathit{\boldsymbol{F}}^{\frac{1}{2}}}}}{2}} \right) $ (14)


$ {\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{n + 1}} = \mathit{\boldsymbol{C}}{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^n} $ (15)


$ u(x,t) = {{\rm{e}}^{ - {\rm{i}}\left( {|u(x,0){|^2} + |u(x,0){|^4}} \right)t}}u(x,0) $ (16)


$ u(x,t + \Delta t) = {{\rm{e}}^{ - {\rm{i}}\left( {|u(x,t){|^2} + |u(x,t){|^4}} \right)\Delta t}}u(x,t) $ (17)



$ {\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^*} = {{\rm{e}}^{ - {\rm{i}}\left( {{{\left| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^n}} \right|}^2} + {{\left| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^n}} \right|}^4}} \right)\frac{\tau }{2}}}{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^n} $ (18)


$ {\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{**}} = C{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^*} $ (19)


$ {\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{n + 1}} = {{\rm{e}}^{ - {\rm{i}}\left( {{{\left| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^n}} \right|}^2} + {{\left| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^n}} \right|}^4}} \right)\frac{\tau }{2}}}{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{**}} $ (20)


1.4 格式电荷守恒

定理1   格式(18)~(20)满足电荷守恒

$ \left\| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{n + 1}}} \right\| = \left\| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^n}} \right\| = \cdots = \left\| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^0}} \right\| $ (21)


$ \left\| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^*}} \right\| = \left\| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^n}} \right\| $
$ \left\| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{n + 1}}} \right\| = \left\| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{**}}} \right\| $


$ \left\| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^*}} \right\| = \left\| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{**}}} \right\| $


$ \begin{array}{l} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\rm{i}}\mathit{\boldsymbol{A}}\frac{{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{**}} - {\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^*}}}{\mathit{\boldsymbol{\tau }}} + \mathit{\boldsymbol{B}}\frac{{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{**}} + {\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^*}}}{{2{h^2}}} = \frac{1}{2}\mathit{\boldsymbol{A}}\left( {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{F}}^{n + \frac{1}{2}}}\left( {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{**}} + } \right.} \right.\\ \left. {\left. {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^*}} \right)} \right) \end{array} $


$ \frac{{{{\left\| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{**}}} \right\|}^2} - {{\left\| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^*}} \right\|}^2}}}{\mathit{\boldsymbol{\tau }}} = 0 $


$ \left\| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^{n + 1}}} \right\| = \left\| {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{U}}^n}} \right\| $


2 数值实验


$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {{\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} f(x,t) = 4{{(x - 2t)}^2} - \exp \left( { - 2{{(x - 2t)}^2}} \right) - }\\ {\exp \left( { - 4{{(x - 2t)}^2}} \right)} \end{array} $
$ {u_0} = \exp \left( { - {x^2} + {\rm{i}}x} \right) $


$ u(x,t) = \exp \left( { - {{(x - 2t)}^2} + {\rm{i}}(x - 3t)} \right) $

Ωh×Ωτ=[-15, 15]×[0, 1],τ=h2,为验证数值格式的收敛性,分别取h=0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.062 5,则收敛阶Order可以用下式求得

$ \begin{array}{l} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} Order = \lg \left( {{{\left\| {E(h,\tau )} \right\|}_\infty }/{{\left\| {E\left( {\frac{h}{2},\frac{\tau }{4}} \right)} \right\|}_\infty }} \right)/\\ \lg 2 \end{array} $

式中‖E(h, τ)‖表示t=1时,数值解在无穷范数下的误差。

表 1图 1可以看出格式以L收敛,且收敛阶为O(τ2+h4)。图 2表示τ=0.25时的数值解,图 3表示τ=0.25时的精确解,容易看出两个图像的波形一致。图 4结果表明电荷是守恒的。数值实验与理论相吻合。

下载CSV 表 1 不同步长的收敛阶 Table 1 Rates of convergence of different steps
图 1 数值格式的收敛阶 Fig.1 Rate of convergence of the numerical solution
图 2 时间步长为0.25时的数值解 Fig.2 Numerical solution of spatial step 0.25
图 3 时间步长为0.25时的精确解 Fig.3 Exact solution of spatial step 0.25
图 4 数值格式的电荷量随时间变化情况 Fig.4 Change in the amount of charge with time
3 结论


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