Nanosized type Y titanyl phthalocyanine (Y-TiOPc) has been prepared using a precipitation method based on Lewis acid complexation-mediated solubilization. The influence of different Lewis acids and organic solvents on the solublization of TiOPc was investigated. The effects of different antisolvents and time of crystal transition on the crystal form and particle size of TiOPc were investigated. The results revealed that TiOPc could be dissolved in methylene chloride by coordination with FeCl
3. Meanwhile, methylene chloride also acted as moderate crystallizing agent to form Y-TiOPc. When the antisolvent was water, it took 12h to get 100-600nm Y-TiOPc particles, while when CH
3COOH was added as co-anti-solvent (V(H
3COOH)=3∶7), it took 5h to obtain 40nm Y-TiOPc particles. As prepared nanosized Y-TiOPc exhibited an intense absorption at wavelengths of 780-800 nm, which indicated it could be employed in a laser printer.
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