Pore structure of hemp cloth-derived carbon fibers activated by zinc chloride
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1State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029; 2The Quartermaster Equipment Institute of General Logistics Department of CPLA, Beijing 100088, China
Hemp cloth-derived carbon fibers have been prepared by a ZnCl2 activation method. The pore structure of the resulting samples was characterized by N2 adsorption and the surface energy distribution was analyzed by the DFT method. The BET specific surface area of the hemp cloth-derived activated carbon fibers first increased and then decreased with increasing temperature, and reached a maximum of 915 m2/g at 800 ℃.The samples were all typical microporous materials. The pore size distribution was mainly within the 2 nm micropore region. All the samples possessed a small fraction of mesopores, but no macropores. The samples had wide surface energy distributions and heterogeneous surfaces. As the activation temperature was increased, the iodine adsorption amount of the materials showed an initial increase followed by a decrease, which follows the same trend as for micropore volume, total pore volume and BET specific surface area.
Pore structure of hemp cloth-derived carbon fibers activated by zinc chloride[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, 2010, 37(5): 44-50
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