

北京化工大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2006, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6) : 100-103.

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北京化工大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2006, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6) : 100-103.


  • 万有志;刘英华
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Synthesis of a novel organobridged ladderlike poly(vinylsiloxane)

  • WAN Youzhi;LIU Yinghua
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通过“逐步偶联聚合方法”设计合成了一种含有反应性侧基的梯形聚有机硅氧烷。此合成方 法采用N,N′二(1,1-二甲基-2-羟乙基)对苯二甲酰胺(M)为模板,将具有三官能团 的有机硅单体联结成梯形模板单元,然后在N—H…O〖FY=,1〗C型氢键作用下水解缩合,得 到一种具有高规整性的梯形聚硅氧烷。通过XRD和29Si-NMR,对该化合物的组成和结 构进行了表征。结果表明,该化合物具有规整的梯形结构。上述含有反应性侧基的梯形聚有 机硅氧烷可以作为潜体进一步制备其它功能性高分子。


A novel ladderlike polysiloxane with a reactive side group was synthesized via s tepwise coupling polymerization. During the reaction, the coupling agent N,N′-di (1,1-dimethylethanol)terephthaloyl amide (abbreviated as M) is believed to act as a template which enables silane molecules to form a ladderlike supramole cular intermediate through amido Hbonding interactions, followed by further co ndensation to form amidebridged ladderlike polysiloxanes. The structure of the polymer was characterized by X-ray diffraction and 29Si-NMR. The da ta show that the polymer has an ordered ladderlike molecular structure. The titl e polymer, ladderlike polysiloxane with grafted reactive groups is a very promis ing and potential precursor for the preparation of new functional polymers.


万有志;刘英华. 新型有机桥基梯形聚乙烯基硅氧烷的合成[J]. 北京化工大学学报(自然科学版), 2006, 33(6): 100-103
WAN Youzhi;LIU Yinghua. Synthesis of a novel organobridged ladderlike poly(vinylsiloxane)[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, 2006, 33(6): 100-103


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