高浓度纳米氢氧化铝(ATH)悬浮液制备的难点是黏度大导致传质困难。对碳分纳米ATH悬浮液进行了流变研究,得知它是黏度极高的时变性非牛顿流体,其黏度随质量分数增加显著增加,在质量分数达到12.9%后,黏度已对搅拌等过程有显著影响。用流变的方法筛选出对悬浮液有明显降黏作用的分散剂,其中一种聚电解质和一种阳离子分散剂相配伍可降黏一个数量级以上。在高浓度碳分反应中添加所筛选出的分散剂,成功制得板状形貌,单个的粒度0.2 μm╳0.05 μm(长╳厚)且分散性良好的纳米ATH,产率较未添加分散剂的有明显提高。
Carbonation precipitation of nano-alumina trihydroxide (ATH) suspensions at high concentrations is problematical because of poor mass-transfer characteristics associated with the high viscosity of the mixtures. The ATH suspension obtained from such carbonation is a very sticky time-dependent non-Newtonian fluid and its viscosity increases rapidly with the content of ATH and becomes intractable when the content of ATH reaches 12.9%. A rheological method has been used to select dispersants which can decrease the viscosity of the ATH suspension. Addition of a polyelectrolyte plus a cationic surfactant was found to give a decrease of more than one order of magnitude in the viscosity of the suspension. Nano-ATH can thus be prepared from a concentrated precipitation mixture. The resulting ATH has nano-tabulate morphology with size 0.2 μm×0.05 μm (length×thickness) and is well dispersed.; furthermore the yield is also increased.
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