对于PAD (pleasure:愉悦度;arousal:唤醒度;dominance:优势度)维度情感预测和分析中的数值预测问题,结合心率变异性(heart rate variability,HRV)特点,提出了基于主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)和支持向量回归(support vector regression,SVR)的PAD维度情感预测模型(PCA-SVR)。通过柔性离子传感器以音乐和视频的诱导方式采集了12名志愿者在放松和焦虑两种情感状态下的心率和心率间期数据,利用PAD量表进行标注,通过均值和方差计算等统计方法、Welch功率谱、Poincaré散点图等分别提取HRV的时域、频域和非线性特征,然后利用PCA模型对HRV特征降维,最后利用降维后的HRV特征作为SVR模型的输入特征进行训练和预测。实验结果表明,结合HRV特征的PCA-SVR模型在PAD的3个维度上均有良好的预测效果,其平均一致性相关系数达到了0.51。同时对比了SVR、极限学习机(extreme learning machine,ELM)和基于PCA的ELM这3种预测方法,结果显示所提方法相对于以上3种方法在一致性相关系数上分别提升了0.14、0.10和0.04,表明该方法能够细致地划分情感,结合可穿戴设备,在情感识别和分析方面有一定补充作用,为在日常生活中针对情感的识别和预测带来了可能。
In order to solve the numerical prediction problem in PAD (pleasure, arousal and dominance) dimensional emotion prediction, a PAD dimensional emotion prediction model integrating heart rate variability (HRV) based on principal component analysis (PCA) and support vector regression (SVR) is proposed in this paper. The heart rate and heart interval data of 12 volunteers in two emotion states with relaxation and anxiety induced by music and video were collected by flexible iontronic sensing, and labeled on a PAD emotion scale. The time-domain, frequency-domain and nonlinear features of HRV were then extracted by different statistical methods, namely mean and variance, Welch power spectrum and Poincaré scatter diagram, respectively. Moreover, the PCA model was used to reduce the dimension of HRV features. The HRV features after dimensionality reduction were used as the input features of the SVR model for training and prediction. The experimental results show that the PCA-SVR model combined with HRV features had good prediction effects for the three dimensions of PAD, and its average consistency correlation coefficient (CCC) reached 0.51. The three prediction methods of the SVR, extreme learning machine (ELM) and the ELM based the PCA were compared, and the results showed that the proposed method resulted in improvements in CCC of 0.14, 0.10, and 0.04, respectively. Furthermore, the proposed method can divide emotions in detail, and has a certain complementary role in emotion recognition and analysis. Thus using the method in combination with wearable devices, it is possible to identify and predict emotions in daily life.
PAD维度情感 /
心率变异性 /
主成分分析 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
PAD dimensional emotion /
heart rate variability /
principal component analysis /
support vector regression
{{custom_keyword}} /
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